If you use one of our apps and it helps you with things - that is what we are about.
Program your world - to help you do things.
At ProgramTheeWorld, we aspire to build world class app(s) that power 10k+ active customers and better their life every single day.
That’s our simple motto.
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Building apps @ ProgramTheeWorld
What do we do? Let’s dive in.
What’s your motto?
Let’s repeat! At ProgramTheeWorld, we aspire to build apps that power 10k+ active customers and better their life every single day. That’s our simple motto.
What’s your vision?
Program your world - to help you do things.
What’s your mission?
Deliver world class apps that help people do things.
Apps are the evolution from the blue links in the browser. They enable specific experience for a task at hand, on a specific device. That’s really powerful - tight specific experience for user; reach to millions of user through marketplace; collaboration among fellow users; level playing field; list goes on. It opens highway of new possibilities.
What ‘value’ do you deliver through your apps?
Our focus is to help people do things. Hence, each app from us focuses hard on subtlety of user productivity and experience for a specific user task. We also believe in having native (to device) and specific experience for the user task. Our focus is end user (consumer) and small businesses.
What apps have you launched?
We had launched two free apps in finance and reference categories respectively in windows store. In Recent past, we have released Homeo Clinics app in Windows Store along with nodejs based windows azure hosted cloud service infrastructure.
How can we send feedback or report issues for your apps?
Thanks for using the apps. We appreciate your feedback. Write to us at - feedback (at) programtheeworld.com.
Can you take up product development work for us?
Thanks for your interest. You can try our apps in Windows Store. We specialize in Windows Store App Development using WinJS and cloud service development using nodejs. Reach us at - info (at) programtheeworld.com - with your requirements.
How to contact you for anything else?
Reach us at - info (at) programtheeworld.com - for general queries.